Specific Risk

“When others say no, we say yes”

We specialize in providing unique solutions for various e-commerce industries. Our industry payment solution can be customized to meet your needs and enhance online sales, from shopping cart integration to our powerful terminal management system.

AutoWebPay offers e-commerce solutions for businesses of all types and sizes. Additionally, we support all major credit cards and debit cards, mobile, and in-app payments through trusted platforms like Google Pay and Apple Pay, making it convenient for you to accept payments anytime, anywhere.

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Unique solutions just like your business
For businesses with special risk considerations, obtaining approval for a merchant account can be challenging. Since its establishment, AutoWebPay has been insuring businesses classified as high-risk industries.
Our professional sales and operations teams collaborate with multiple banks to support various hard-to-place specialized businesses and vertical industries.

Industry experts help you succeed  
As a leading expert in the special risk payment industry, AutoWebPay offers innovative underwriting, dynamic risk management, customized chargeback reporting, and advanced fraud reduction tools.

Supporting various industries
We cover over 30 different e-commerce payment businesses, supporting business types and industries that most providers may not consider or cannot accommodate.

Offering support when you need it
We take pride in providing you with real-time support whenever needed at your establishment. For us, enabling you to focus on running your business is paramount. Our professional support team is always ready to assist you in addressing the challenges you may face in online business operations.

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© Copyright 2015 – 2024 | Auto Web Pay  USA  |   All Rights Reserved